Manga Ninja Spawn, originally titled as Manga Medieval Spawn is the second manga Spawn of Series 9 released in November 1997.

His story is that "...he fought for the royal guard of Fujiwara centuries ago. After falling to the blade of Manga Curse, he was brought back as a ninja. He now uses his stealth and cunning, along with all of his martial arts training, to continue his battles against the Dark Temple. The action figure comes complete with cloth cape and removable cloth mask. He also has a "spinning-action" hand for a lethal blade attack."

November 1997 Series 9 Original Unintended Version: Manga Ninja Spawn
This version.1 Manga Ninja Spawn is described by collectors as 'Red' and like version.1 and 2 of Manga Spawn 1 was apparently produced by the same factory with disastrous paint result - some claim that this is regarded as an erroneous figure.

He can be identified by the red portion or more accurately maroon armour while the rest is in pale orange washed.

November 1997 Series 9 Original Corrected Version
This figure, the second version was titled as 'Manga Medieval Spawn' in the 1997 McFarlane catalogue was produced by a second factory. Many remember him as part of the 'correction' that was released a month after v1.

The maroon armour remains but the body is now painted bronze.

May 1998 Series 9 Repaint: Manga Ninja Spawn
A repaint of Manga Ninja Spawn in May 1998.

The armour suit is now copper and the body black.