There are two versions of this Spawn's figures and both have alternate heads.
Do note that in the index of Spawn, there is Spawn 9 and Spawn 11 while Spawn 10 was nowhere to be found. This is probably reserved for Spawn X since the roman numeral X is for 10 - in the spinoff comics 'The Adventures of Spawn', he is the 10th Spawn to appear, do read the online comics for more information.
Let's start with WHAT is Spawn X
Spawn X is based on a spinoff comic launched online in 2006 (hard copy published in January 2007) titled 'Adventures of Spawn'. This latest reincarnation continues to employ Al Simmons in the role as Spawn but this time, Simmons is ALIVE! He gets to discard that silly burnt face of old and gets to see his family without the constant wailing of "Wanda Wanda" that makes "Stella STELLA" (see A Streetcar Named Desire) seems tame by comparison. All in, a wise would be a super move if the character has another name besides Simmons!
Essentially, in this story we have Simmons, a former soldier who is rewarded with amazing powers when he became connected to the Necro Stone, one of the 13 Relics of Ruin. This is not to be confused with the other Simmons in the original series although it does beg the question that if he is meant to be a separate character, why name him Al Simmons?
Simmons stands 6' 2" and weighs 200lbs but when transformed into Spawn X, he jumps to 6' 6" and weighs 650lbs, all thanks to a living costume called K7-Leetha. Besides a powerful costume, his task is also facilitated with additional powers and weapons such as super-human strength, hand-projected energy blasts, flight, teleportation and plasma blasters. And apparently, like the characters in 'Heroes', Spawn X's full extent of power is still being discovered!
Go to this official site to read more on the biography of Spawn X.
What is the K-7 Leetha Suit?
The K-7 Leetha suit is originally designed for Lord Klay-Von Gore, one of the Lord of Darkness who assumes the moniker of Raven Spawn. More detail? Go to the official site. There is also mention of how Spawn X becomes the 10th Spawn.
Other Characters
Although 'Adventures of Spawn' feature the usual suspects, new characters are also being constantly introduced. There are the Redeemer who is no longer battling Simmons; Overtkill and Cy-Gor, two familiar villians. Instead of Angela, since this would violate the rights of Neil Gaiman, we have Tiffany the Amazon. It would be nice to see a female superpower comic figure properly dressed for once but I guess big boobs are still the order of the day for the comics industry. And there is Lord Mammon, the major villian of villiany.
More Spawns are also made known: besides Raven Spawn and Al Simmons the Spawn, there are 8 other Spawns: Wings of Redemption Spawn, Gunslinger Spawn...etc. Not to nitpick but why is it that all the other 9 spawns have nicknames like raven, gunslinger...but Al Simmons is simply Spawn X? And as regards to the ten spawns lineup, Omega Spawn and his squad are not in the equation.
The Collectibles
December 2006 Series 30 Original: Spawn X
There are two versions, the first to be introduced is that of Spawn in his black suit and released under Series 30: The Adventures of Spawn. Display collectors have the opportunity to display him as masked or unmasked.
The masked version
The unmasked version
Instead of the horrible burnt head, he retains his human face - 'Adventures of Spawn' is after all a "Saturday morning cartoon-style adventures" targetted at kids and the last thing one wants is a mommy calling the TMP hotline!
For Card Collector - there is only ONE Spawn X v1 - that of masked version. This figure is not the first Spawn to have such an option, the first Spawn figure to have an alternate head option is the Manga Samurai Spawn back in 2004.
For display collectors, Spawn X also comes with optional hands and weapons.
October 2007 Series 32 Original: Spawn X
The second version to be released is that of the Blue-suited Spawn, He was released in the US back in October 2007 under Series 32: Adventures of Spawn II but in Asia, it took ages (I got mine in March 2008) and both distributor and TMP did not even bother to explain as to why there is a delay - probably too much lead in the toys!