"A warrior formerly known as Takeda, from the Samurai Wars Spawn mythos set in Feudal Japan" - the Trading Series 2 summed it up pretty well. There are four official versions. The beautiful image at the top belongs to spawn.com.
July 2001 Series 19 Original: Samurai Spawn
Samurai Spawn appeared as the only Spawn of Series 19.
A pretty dull guy, if you want him to look as good as the official picture in the top, you got to buy a separate accessory pack.
Surprisingly when you look at the concept sketch and clay sculpt above, he looks pretty good but the matt finish and dominance of brown in the finished article certainly do not help.
Ugly that he is, he still manage to have a pretty girlfriend in Lotus Warrior from the same series. A lot of collectors meanwhile are really disappointed with the choice of weapon. If you look at the concept sketch again, you would notice that the swords carried by Lotus are meant for the Samurai Spawn. I think we are supposed to exchange Samurai Spawn's sword with that of Mandarin Spawn. Is that the reason why it was mentioned in End Cap that Samurai Spawn is perfect next to Mandarin Spawn?
April 2004 Retail Exclusive: Spawn the Samurai Warriors
The repaint of Samurai Spawn appeared under "Spawn: The Samurai Warriors" 2-Pack together with the pre-Spawn human of Takeda.
A Comparative Analysis of v1 and v2
Umm, definitely more dashing and handsome compared to the original.
He looks brighter and is more agile.
And compared to v1 on the left, you don't need a separate accessory pack to accessories him with the necessary bling-bling.
Besides the blade common with both versions, the repaint is also equipped with a cannon.
And finally, his dragon shoes got a white-washed, am not sure if it is a good thing...
So when the miniatures are launched, guess which version is adopted?
September 2007 Trading Series 2: Samurai Spawn
September 2007 Trading Series 2: Samurai Spawn