Spawns by Tony Spangler

Below are two Spawns by Tony Spangler:

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Very well painted kit and the hobbyist from the USA used a separate base. Found out the name of the sculptor a few years later when I wrote to him about an unrelated item. Check out his work here.

The date of this sculpt, as seen in his website is estimated to be either 2000 or 2001.

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Sculpted by Tony Spangler in 1999 and cast through Liquid Factory. Got this kit from eBay, the unpainted kit looks pretty good, may not want it painted.

Change my mind on 23.11.07, let's see what Xenomorph do with her! Got her back on 1.4.08! The wait is worth it! Look at how stunning she looks.

Tony Spangler's works can be found at spanglerart.