The recipe to the making of a 'Spawn the Hockey Player':
Foremost, you need an inspiration...and it need not be just ONE image. The hockey player image is what he is working towards to but he wants a more terrifying and contemporary headsculpt which the second image is able to offer.
And of course you need a sacrificial this instance, it happens to be from Philadelphia!
The first course of the evening is the sculpting of the head. As mentioned, what Hunter R did is to find the right facial image as a guide. Next with the handy magic sculpt, he sculpted to scale an appropriate headsculpt.
Add black washing to enhance the details and hey presto, a Flyer with a spawn headsculpt! If I am a Flyer fan, I would plead with him to stop there. If accessories need to be added, a replica of the Stanley Cup would be nice.
A separate masked headsculpt was made in conjunction with the unmasked version. The test panel of judges opted for the burnt head version.
The masked headsculpt ended up as an alternate for Spawn V.
Meanwhile, now that the headsculpt is decided, skulls are the next item - the two on the clavicle and another a belt buckle for his waist.
More sculpting works, the thigh pouch. Hunter R and I have a hilarious discussion as to the "actual" use of the thigh pouch but putting aside politically incorrect jokes on our favourite character, you have to say the sculpting for the pouch was pretty good, very military in appearance...
More sculpting works added - the chains, the carapace on the arm...this is getting to be a very interesting project.
...the spiked leg armours - you know, what I like about the custom is that there is always this very edgy resculpt to the whole process - the authenticity to its origin is never questioned but it nevertheless provides a reminder that this is a kidult action figure.
And tada, here's is the finished figure Spawn: Hockey Player.