And like most Hellspawns, he returned because of a romantic love interest, in Covenant's case - Shiann.
Following are figures based on him:
1) Nov 2003 Series 23 Spawn the Dark Ages i.23
2) Sep 2004 Series 27 Black Knight 3: Dark Ages issue 1 Cover Art
3) Apr 2006 Trading Series 1 Spawn the Black Knight
4) May 2007 Series 31 Lord Covenant
Note that the Spawn the Black Knight released under Trading Series 1 are miniature replicas of Black Knight 3.
When Lord Bartholomew appeared in Series 11 of July 1998 in a collection titled as 'The Dark Ages', he was named 'Spawn the Black Knight'. When the HBO animated series (1997-99) was released, we learned in Season 3 Episode 1 of May 1999 that Cogliostro is known as the Black Knight. So, when a spin-off comic series Spawn the Dark Ages was released in March 1999, the brainstorming session goes something like this:
"Ok guys, which moniker should we attach to this Covenant fellow?"
"Oh, how about the Black Knight?"
"Brilliant, Black Knight is good, hope nobody thought of it."

The first collectible figure based on Lord Covenant's Spawn persona appeared in Series 24 of November 2003 as Spawn the Dark Ages i.23.

On the second occassion that he appeared, which was in Series 27 of September 2004 he is known as Black Knight 3: Dark Ages issue 1 cover art. That it is a mouthful is a moot point. But Black Knight 3? Are we to presume that the earlier figure Spawn the Dark Ages i.23 is now to be renamed Black Knight 2? But whither Black Knight 1? It couldn't be Lord Bartholomew as he was reborn in Reborn Series 2 of June 2004 as the Raven Knight and anyway, he is Lord Bartholomew, not Lord Covenant. The only possible scenario is this: Cogliostro is Black Knight 1, Lord Bartholomew is Black Knight 2 and thus Lord Covenant is Black Knight 3.

Two years later, a trio of figures replicating Black Knight 3: Dark Ages issue 1 cover art appeared in April 2006 as part of the pioneer 3" Trading Series. And no surprise really that he got another rebranding, this time he is Spawn the Black Knight. Whatever happen to Black Knight 3? And if you think three different titles of the same character in three appearances are too much...

In Series 31 of May 2007, we are introduced yet to another name: Lord Coveant. Gosh, when they decide to make a human figure of Lord Covenant, what then?
This refers to a period known as the Dark Ages in Europe and only Europe, nothing to do with the rest of the World. It is indeed very bright and enlightening in many other parts of the World when Europe is in the dark ages.
The Dark Ages in Europe lasted a very long time. Definitions varied, some said from the 5th to the 10th century and others claimed it lasted till the 14th century and beyond. So, we can expect a lot of Spawns.
In Spawn the Dark Ages issue #16, it was mentioned very specifically that the period Lord Covenant ruled his tiny shire was AD901, that's in the 10th century.
There is also a Children's Crusade story in Spawn the Dark Ages, led by a voluptous Maeve. Besides the infamous children's crusade led by a German boy in 1212, there were indeed many unrecorded children's crusades led on a smaller scale by impressionable youngsters ... impressionable youngsters, hmmm guess nothing much has changed.
For indexing purposes, he is recorded as Spawn the Black Knight.

November 2003 Series 23 Original: Spawn the Dark Ages i23
While the rest of the figures in Series 24 received superlative reviews when they first appeared in October 2003, the box set that appeared a month later in November 2003 was the ultimate let-down of all let-down.

In trying to remain true to the artwork of Ashley Wood, the finished product was extremely drab looking, dull and uninspiring. Surely in trying to adapt as accurately as possible the art of Spawn the Dark Ages #23 (published February 2001) a little colour wouldn't hurt?
The only saving grace, that is, if it can be considered as such is the provision of two heads in this set, thus there are two unique figures in one version. You have to buy two of this versions to get the two unique figures.

Spawn the Dark Ages i023(a)
This is the version that a card collector would see.

Compared to the unmasked drawing by Liam McCormack-Sharp (issues #1 to 14 except #12) this collectible figure got more hair.

Spawn the Dark Ages i023 (b)
This is the optional masked head that a card collector would never get to admire. The image is courtesy of "karnis" from spawn message board.

The optional head sculpt never did feature in the storyline itself, the only similar image is in the inside cover of the final issue.

The images of the 2-UP figure from sculptorscorner.com looks pretty good when compared to the final product.

After 'Medieval Spawn and Battle Horse' and 'Spawn the Bloodaxe and Thunderhoof', this is the third horse set in the Spawn Figures Universe. As the 3rd set, one would expect the quality to surpass the previous two but this set paled in comparison to the excellent Thunderhoof of Series 22 - see collection indexed under Spawn the Bloodaxe.

But the reproduction need not be that dull, there is an excellent sample provided of Black Knight Spawn on a black stallion in issue #1.

September 2004 Series 26 Original: Black Knight 3 (dark ages issue 1 cover art)
"The Classic Comic Cover" of Series 24 and 25 is aptly rebranded into "The Art of Spawn" for Series 26 and 27. The name of this figure also received a re-branding; it was titled incredibly as "Black Knight 3: Dark Ages Issue 1 Cover Art".

As he is the second Lord Covenant figure to appear in Spawndom, the title of Black Knight 3 is rather strange. Some would claim that '3' is used because there is a Black Knight Spawn in Series 11 but that is a totally different character called Lord Bartholomew and moreover, he has been rebranded as Spawn the Raven Knight. Others thought that Black Knight 3 refers to his 2 previous predecessors - Count Cogliostro and Lord Bartholomew.

Incidentally, a female non-collector after viewing this prototype declared that she prefers this 'destroyed paint version' over the original!

If she likes the test-shot, she would definitely go ga-ga over this 2-UP prototype. Image courtesy of sculptorscorner.com.

Spawn the Black Knight 2 is a reproduction of the first issue of Spawn the Dark Ages published in March 1999. The cover, illustrated by Glenn Fabry and Liam McCormack-Sharp was reproduced with fascinating result.
While the mask is a faithful reproduction of that on the cover, one cannot said the same about the cape. Where's the fluttering scarlet cape?

A better view of the scarlet shroud is found o the cover of issue #15 by Simon Davis.

This image was repeatedly deleted by Photobucket because somehow it violated one of their terms...? The red bottom looks like a copy from Reanimated Spawn. Without its cape, it looks similar to the image below.

Black Knight and Black Knight
The Black Knight without his cape...eh, the Black Knight on the left, that is, not Cogliostro who also claimed to be the Black Knight.

The Miniatures
Spawn the Black Knight 2 aka Black Knight 3: Dark Ages Issue 1 Cover Art is reproduced in miniature form in the Trading Series of April 2006. This figure is titled simply as 'Spawn the Black Knight'. There are 3 figures to this trading series.

April 2006 Trading Series 1 Original: Spawn the Black Knight

April 2006 Trading Series 1 Repaint: Spawn the Black Knight

April 2006 Trading Series 1 Exclusive: Spawn the Black Knight

May 2007 Series 31 Original: Lord Covenant
The fourth edition of Black Knight Spawn is simply titled 'Lord Covenant'. Part of a series known as 'Other Worlds', it can so easily be Art of Spawn 5 as all the figures are adapted from existing comic arts.

If this Art of Spawn 5, he would be Spawn the Dark Ages i.13 instead of Lord Covenant as he is copied straight from the cover art of Spawn the Dark Ages issue #13. The babe in his arms is Maeve, the girl who led the children on a fool's quest called the Children's Crusade.

Jin Han was tasked with the vision of Lord Covenant as seen from behind in addition to the original drawing by Liam Sharp in Spawn the Dark Ages. This proposal with the cape was unfortunately not the selected version.

Check out more Jin Han's works at drawjindraw.

This version of Spawn the Black Knight is significantly different from the two earlier versions. In fact, it is quite unbelievable that they are the same Lord Covenant. Despite the once again drab brown-looking reincarnation of the first Black Knight Spawn, the details as reflected in the cover of #13 are rather interesting...silver boots help, I guess.

The back of the figure

The side of the figure

Unlike the previous expansive mask, this version has a wraparound mask and Celtic/Viking plaited hair...very un-anglo-saxon actually.

And those claw feets instead of boots, probably an inspiration by Jin Han since the cover art did not show the lower limbs.

The shield is more elaborate.

His large battle axe with elaborate motifs is complemented by an equally elaborate leg piece.

And there is also a shift in the type of knee guard and waist-pouch from the earlier figures. Drab he may be but definitely more impressive than the first Black Knight Spawn.
There are so many changes to the appearances of Lord Covenant that McFarlane Toys, if they want to can easily have a dedicated series to it:

The Devil's Knight in #5.

A Yorick Pose in #9. The mask meanwhile seems to envelope around his head.

And in #10 he sports a new look for the Children's Crusade storyarc and with his fashionable fur coat, he can forget about appearing as a spokesman for PETA.

By issue #15, with Nat Jones taking over the pencil, Regaine seems to help the Hellspawn's thinning pate.


#21 has an absolutely fantastic cover, this is the most 'uncovenantlike' appearance yet.

To round it off before the series ended, he get himself another new helmet in #21. Dressing gets snappier too...dated spawn logo knee guard gets a new lease of life with spikes knee guard.

A more elaborate travelling accompaniments found in #23 with bow and arrows and lots of pouches.
Note that the Spawn the Black Knight released under Trading Series 1 are miniature replicas of Black Knight 3.
When Lord Bartholomew appeared in Series 11 of July 1998 in a collection titled as 'The Dark Ages', he was named 'Spawn the Black Knight'. When the HBO animated series (1997-99) was released, we learned in Season 3 Episode 1 of May 1999 that Cogliostro is known as the Black Knight. So, when a spin-off comic series Spawn the Dark Ages was released in March 1999, the brainstorming session goes something like this:
"Ok guys, which moniker should we attach to this Covenant fellow?"
"Oh, how about the Black Knight?"
"Brilliant, Black Knight is good, hope nobody thought of it."

The first collectible figure based on Lord Covenant's Spawn persona appeared in Series 24 of November 2003 as Spawn the Dark Ages i.23.

On the second occassion that he appeared, which was in Series 27 of September 2004 he is known as Black Knight 3: Dark Ages issue 1 cover art. That it is a mouthful is a moot point. But Black Knight 3? Are we to presume that the earlier figure Spawn the Dark Ages i.23 is now to be renamed Black Knight 2? But whither Black Knight 1? It couldn't be Lord Bartholomew as he was reborn in Reborn Series 2 of June 2004 as the Raven Knight and anyway, he is Lord Bartholomew, not Lord Covenant. The only possible scenario is this: Cogliostro is Black Knight 1, Lord Bartholomew is Black Knight 2 and thus Lord Covenant is Black Knight 3.

Two years later, a trio of figures replicating Black Knight 3: Dark Ages issue 1 cover art appeared in April 2006 as part of the pioneer 3" Trading Series. And no surprise really that he got another rebranding, this time he is Spawn the Black Knight. Whatever happen to Black Knight 3? And if you think three different titles of the same character in three appearances are too much...
In Series 31 of May 2007, we are introduced yet to another name: Lord Coveant. Gosh, when they decide to make a human figure of Lord Covenant, what then?
This refers to a period known as the Dark Ages in Europe and only Europe, nothing to do with the rest of the World. It is indeed very bright and enlightening in many other parts of the World when Europe is in the dark ages.
The Dark Ages in Europe lasted a very long time. Definitions varied, some said from the 5th to the 10th century and others claimed it lasted till the 14th century and beyond. So, we can expect a lot of Spawns.
In Spawn the Dark Ages issue #16, it was mentioned very specifically that the period Lord Covenant ruled his tiny shire was AD901, that's in the 10th century.
There is also a Children's Crusade story in Spawn the Dark Ages, led by a voluptous Maeve. Besides the infamous children's crusade led by a German boy in 1212, there were indeed many unrecorded children's crusades led on a smaller scale by impressionable youngsters ... impressionable youngsters, hmmm guess nothing much has changed.
For indexing purposes, he is recorded as Spawn the Black Knight.

November 2003 Series 23 Original: Spawn the Dark Ages i23
While the rest of the figures in Series 24 received superlative reviews when they first appeared in October 2003, the box set that appeared a month later in November 2003 was the ultimate let-down of all let-down.
In trying to remain true to the artwork of Ashley Wood, the finished product was extremely drab looking, dull and uninspiring. Surely in trying to adapt as accurately as possible the art of Spawn the Dark Ages #23 (published February 2001) a little colour wouldn't hurt?
The only saving grace, that is, if it can be considered as such is the provision of two heads in this set, thus there are two unique figures in one version. You have to buy two of this versions to get the two unique figures.
Spawn the Dark Ages i023(a)
This is the version that a card collector would see.
Compared to the unmasked drawing by Liam McCormack-Sharp (issues #1 to 14 except #12) this collectible figure got more hair.
Spawn the Dark Ages i023 (b)
This is the optional masked head that a card collector would never get to admire. The image is courtesy of "karnis" from spawn message board.
The optional head sculpt never did feature in the storyline itself, the only similar image is in the inside cover of the final issue.
The images of the 2-UP figure from sculptorscorner.com looks pretty good when compared to the final product.
After 'Medieval Spawn and Battle Horse' and 'Spawn the Bloodaxe and Thunderhoof', this is the third horse set in the Spawn Figures Universe. As the 3rd set, one would expect the quality to surpass the previous two but this set paled in comparison to the excellent Thunderhoof of Series 22 - see collection indexed under Spawn the Bloodaxe.
But the reproduction need not be that dull, there is an excellent sample provided of Black Knight Spawn on a black stallion in issue #1.
September 2004 Series 26 Original: Black Knight 3 (dark ages issue 1 cover art)
"The Classic Comic Cover" of Series 24 and 25 is aptly rebranded into "The Art of Spawn" for Series 26 and 27. The name of this figure also received a re-branding; it was titled incredibly as "Black Knight 3: Dark Ages Issue 1 Cover Art".
As he is the second Lord Covenant figure to appear in Spawndom, the title of Black Knight 3 is rather strange. Some would claim that '3' is used because there is a Black Knight Spawn in Series 11 but that is a totally different character called Lord Bartholomew and moreover, he has been rebranded as Spawn the Raven Knight. Others thought that Black Knight 3 refers to his 2 previous predecessors - Count Cogliostro and Lord Bartholomew.
Incidentally, a female non-collector after viewing this prototype declared that she prefers this 'destroyed paint version' over the original!
If she likes the test-shot, she would definitely go ga-ga over this 2-UP prototype. Image courtesy of sculptorscorner.com.
Spawn the Black Knight 2 is a reproduction of the first issue of Spawn the Dark Ages published in March 1999. The cover, illustrated by Glenn Fabry and Liam McCormack-Sharp was reproduced with fascinating result.
A better view of the scarlet shroud is found o the cover of issue #15 by Simon Davis.
This image was repeatedly deleted by Photobucket because somehow it violated one of their terms...? The red bottom looks like a copy from Reanimated Spawn. Without its cape, it looks similar to the image below.
Black Knight and Black Knight
The Black Knight without his cape...eh, the Black Knight on the left, that is, not Cogliostro who also claimed to be the Black Knight.
The Miniatures
Spawn the Black Knight 2 aka Black Knight 3: Dark Ages Issue 1 Cover Art is reproduced in miniature form in the Trading Series of April 2006. This figure is titled simply as 'Spawn the Black Knight'. There are 3 figures to this trading series.
April 2006 Trading Series 1 Original: Spawn the Black Knight
April 2006 Trading Series 1 Repaint: Spawn the Black Knight
April 2006 Trading Series 1 Exclusive: Spawn the Black Knight
May 2007 Series 31 Original: Lord Covenant
The fourth edition of Black Knight Spawn is simply titled 'Lord Covenant'. Part of a series known as 'Other Worlds', it can so easily be Art of Spawn 5 as all the figures are adapted from existing comic arts.
If this Art of Spawn 5, he would be Spawn the Dark Ages i.13 instead of Lord Covenant as he is copied straight from the cover art of Spawn the Dark Ages issue #13. The babe in his arms is Maeve, the girl who led the children on a fool's quest called the Children's Crusade.
Jin Han was tasked with the vision of Lord Covenant as seen from behind in addition to the original drawing by Liam Sharp in Spawn the Dark Ages. This proposal with the cape was unfortunately not the selected version.
Check out more Jin Han's works at drawjindraw.
This version of Spawn the Black Knight is significantly different from the two earlier versions. In fact, it is quite unbelievable that they are the same Lord Covenant. Despite the once again drab brown-looking reincarnation of the first Black Knight Spawn, the details as reflected in the cover of #13 are rather interesting...silver boots help, I guess.
The back of the figure
The side of the figure
Unlike the previous expansive mask, this version has a wraparound mask and Celtic/Viking plaited hair...very un-anglo-saxon actually.
And those claw feets instead of boots, probably an inspiration by Jin Han since the cover art did not show the lower limbs.
The shield is more elaborate.
His large battle axe with elaborate motifs is complemented by an equally elaborate leg piece.
And there is also a shift in the type of knee guard and waist-pouch from the earlier figures. Drab he may be but definitely more impressive than the first Black Knight Spawn.
There are so many changes to the appearances of Lord Covenant that McFarlane Toys, if they want to can easily have a dedicated series to it:
The Devil's Knight in #5.
A Yorick Pose in #9. The mask meanwhile seems to envelope around his head.
And in #10 he sports a new look for the Children's Crusade storyarc and with his fashionable fur coat, he can forget about appearing as a spokesman for PETA.
By issue #15, with Nat Jones taking over the pencil, Regaine seems to help the Hellspawn's thinning pate.
#21 has an absolutely fantastic cover, this is the most 'uncovenantlike' appearance yet.
To round it off before the series ended, he get himself another new helmet in #21. Dressing gets snappier too...dated spawn logo knee guard gets a new lease of life with spikes knee guard.
A more elaborate travelling accompaniments found in #23 with bow and arrows and lots of pouches.