Spawn 6 introduced in October 2001 has this very big brother feel to it. Part of Series 20 AKA Spawn Classic II which incidentally features the last of the Medieval Spawn, there are two versions of Spawn 6 in the same series: masked and unmasked.
There is a total of 6 cards here in this collection. Display Collector's discretion is advised.
October 2001 Series 20 Original: Spawn VI
This is a very popular figure, no surprise at all. Masked Spawn is always very popular. Unfortunately, this is a Spawn sans Cape, never mind the excuses given in several End Caps that cape is suitable only for non-articulated figure.
A very custom by Anthony Baimun that I saw on the Net, combining Spawn 6 with the cape of Spawn 5. He called it "Spawn 6.5"!! (1) (2)
The prototype Spawn 6 still in his tub. (3)
The 2-Up (4)
October 2001 Series 20 Variant: Spawn VI
The very unpopular version 2, no surprise really, unmasked Spawn ALWAYS play second fiddle to the masked version. (5)
Series 20 Spawn 6 Variant's Variant, NAH!
A college student at Puerto Rico managed to offload this custom figure at US$115 to a seller in Japan! When I asked him during bidding of the authenticity and that if it is truly a variant, why the mixing of green necroplasm and red blood? Shouldn't it be all red blood? Or green necroplasm? He was very forthright in his reply. He said he "think" there is a slit at the bottom of the plastic and that the figure "might" be a custom. Well, I appreciate his "forthrightness" and I sincerely hope the Japanese buyer likes custom figure.
The Unmasked figure came with a sword via courtesy of Angela and the head of Malebolgia.
The whole setup is inspired by the p25 art found inside #100 but hey, where’s the fabulous cape as shown in the image?
Ashley Wood did a drawing of this scene in page 16 of Hellspawn #6.
And Mon, a very talented sculptor from the Philippines decides to make his own interpretation of this scene in 2008 - complete with cape and a more accurate rendition of a 'to-scale' Malebolgia's head.
The mass market edition (masked) is supposedly for the conservative market with their thin-skin sensitivities and proprieties while the latter (unmasked) with his ugly mug, bloody sword and severed head is for the specialty market, that is, specially selected consumers...! Interesting to note that not since Spawn 1 did Spawn appeared with such a raw-looking head.
That v1 is the more popular of the two with collectors goes without saying since that ugly mug is a face that only a mother (or Angela...I can't believe that Angela...but that's another story) can love. But you got to see beyond the look, go ahead, decapitate the head and you would realise that v2 is an exact replica of v1!
When McFarlane Toys announced that they intend to start an experimental 4” line of miniature figures, it was Spawn 6 that this experiment was modelled upon. Unfortunately, this experiment is just that, merely an other 4" miniatures...yet.
July 2003 SDCC Exclusie: Spawn + Miracleman
A scaled down version (it was 4.5") of Spawn 6 was introduced during the July 2003 San Diego Comic Convention as a 'Spawn + Miracleman' two-pack but instead of the fabulous machine gun, this Spawn 6mv1 is equipped in the words of the marketer " a nod to nostalgia...a nail-studded board accessory."
A Comparative Study
The headsculpt is slightly different, the mv on the left having a broader and stockier face.
Unlike the regular-sized version, the miniature has metal chains instead of plastic. And while the regular-sized version do not have any skull chain, this down-sized fellow has the standard skull chain around the neck that is meant to tie the cape together...but where's the cape, ouch!
Ultimately this figure did not heralds the brave new world of 4” figures as the set was rather poorly received and remains in the company’s store for an uncharacteristically long time. In August 2003, a month after the release of Spawn 6mv1, a set of collectible figures were released in conjunction with the launch of the Soul Calibur II video game. They were Astaroth, Ivy, Necrid, Nightmare and Voldo. A special 6th figure was kept under wrap and to be announced surreptiously as a surprise and boy, are we 'surprised' when this 'secret' figure turns out to be the money-spinner himself! It actually turns out to be the 6th and 7th figure since two editions were introduced – masked and unmasked.
August 2003 Soul Calibur II Game Promotion Masked Version: Spawn
In the US, the more popular masked figure is sold through GameStop.
This masked figure turns out to be an exact replica of mv1 except that he comes with a lovely axe instead of the plank.
And where mv1’s sale is tepid in the resale market, mv2 proves to be a roaring success. Weird, same figure, different story. (6)
A prototype that shows the world.
August 2003 Soul Calibur II Game Promotion Unmasked Version: Spawn
The unmasked version is sold through EB Games.
The head of mv3 has been resculpted (middle pic) and this charming fellow has an infectious grin and is definitely an improvement over his big brother. Unmasked aside, that mv3 despite its uniqueness failed to generate the same kind of resale value as mv2 is unfathomable. In fact the whole market is a mystery. Consider: mv1 is masked and poorly received; mv2 is masked and well received and mv3 is unmasked and unique and poorly received. Really, I mean, this is as curious as "the curious incident of the spawn in the night time". Seriously, McFarlane Toys should forget about unmasked Spawn, okay Angela do not mind but that girl, bless her soul...
June 2004 Chains of Destiny Game Promotion: Spawn
And as if to prove that Spawn 6mv3 should be the appreciated figure, the masked one reappeared for the third time in June 2004 as the collectible figure for 'Spawn: Chains of Destiny' PS2 game, a Japanese exclusive. This time, Spawn 6mv4 is devoid of plank, axe...etc. In fact, when removed from the card, I am not able to distinguish it from mv1 and mv2 since it has no accessory of its own and so contrary to my usual rip and tear habit, I kept one of it entombed.
(1) I really couldn't remember where I copied it from, sorry.
(2) Image from
(3) ditto
(4) Image from Jin119kg's Collection.
(5) Image from eBay.
(6) Image from