There are two editions of this figure: Manga Spawn 1 includes eight versions (6 regular size versions and 2 miniature versions) whilst there is only one version of Manga Spawn to date.
The background story of Manga Spawn:
"In the alternate universe known as Kuroshio the legacy of Spawn rages war against his manganized enemies from the Temple of Darkness. Manga Spawn, supreme warrior of the Fujiwara, uses his powerful sword and armour to keep the forces of darkness from devouring the world of Kuroshio". - back of card -
"The battle between goodness and evil continues throughout the dimensons, each pitting their fiercest warriors against the other. In the alternate universe of Kuroshio, the Realm of Light battles against the Temple of Darkness. It is the land of Manga Spawn!
Manga Spawn is the supreme warrior of the House of Fujiwara. Using his robotic exo-armour, he defends the land against the Dark Temple's minions. He has cleansed the evil from within his own heart, and now is using his power to fight alongside the Realm of Light. The figure has a removable helmet that combines with his multi-positiional spiked backpack, forming a winged cyber-sect that fights alongside him"
- End Cap November 1997 -
This fellow from Kuroshio has been one of the most popular collectible figure among Spawn collectors. The first figure to appear was brick-red in colour carrying a silver sword. He was released in November 1997 as part of Series 9 and sharp-eyed collectors soon notice that there are two types:
One with plastic chains around the waist, a legacy from Spawn 3 of Series 7.
And the other has metal chains.
So who is the first and which is the variant? The picture in the offical web site failed to provide any answer - it shows a Manga Spawn WITH NO chains on the waist!
November 1997 Series 9 Original Unintended Version: Manga Spawn
Well, the answer might astonish you. The official response to my query is that both figures are legitimate and official! Apparently, two factories took on the job and both the versions above are handled by one single factory. I presume that that the metal version is the original and when the metals ran out, the production operators decided to dig out the old bucket containing plastic chains!
November 1997 Series 9 Original Unintended Variant: Manga Spawn
Not that there is no argument backing the "plastic" camp, for example, one can easily surmised that plastic chains were used up before metal chains were utlised.
And if you are really into variants, you would be pleased to learn that there are the White "M' vs Grey "M' collection. Apparently, not only did the production operators switch metal chains with plastic chains, when they ran out of white paint, they painted the "M" on the chest with grey. The "M" just for the noobie is neither Manga nor McFarlane, it actually stands for Malebolgia.
November 1997 Series 9 Original Corrected Version: Manga Spawn
It was deemed that the original figure is manufactured poorly and a corrected figure (the first and only time there is a correction) was released one month later in December 1997. Do note that the official explanation is that this is released in November 1997 and it is not a correction but manufactured by a separate factory. The corrected figure stands better and the colour is darker and glossier. Comparison can be made with the group picture on the top. He is standing second from left. Compared him to the pre-corrected figure on extreme left.
Unlike the pre-corrected figure, the sword has an inscription in Chinese (some sites refer the writings as kanji which simply means "Chinese words" in Japanese). It reads "zaishengxia cong fenmu guilai" or "The Reborn Hero has emerged from his grave". The script is in traditional Chinese. The Chinese scripts are in two main forms - traditional and simplified. The latter attempts to make the traditional strokes simpler and is used widely by Chinese in China and Singapore while the Chinese in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Malaysia continues to use the traditional method.
And here's another take on the sword from's report on the 1997 Mid Ohio Con where the Manga line was first displayed. "First of all, several of the figures have writing on them that was not seen in the prototype figures. Interestingly, the writing is Chinese (even though the manga concept is strongly associated with Japanese culture). Have you ever wondered if the toy makers are having fun with their jobs? Well, there is no doubt that the folks at AEB Studios (the firm that does the design and sculpting work for McFarlane Toys) are getting a kick out of what they do...and it shows. They've slipped in a few in jokes right under your nose. The writing on the figures isn't meaningless. And it isn't coincidental either. Most appropriately, the writing on the sword of the Manga Spawn loosely translates to "He is rising from the dead to avenge!" (
Suffice to say, the word "avenge" is not in the inscription.
Manga Spawn has 3 display options:
firstly, without the mask: revealing a face that only a mother and Manga Angela would tolerate.
secondly, with the mask on, highly recommended.
and thirdly, with the back of the mask: you get a bug-eye alternate mask which is very suitable if you want to display him accompanied with the insectoid robot.
This Manga Spawn carried with him a backpack with wings that can be raised up or down but it is rather inconvenient for display collector.
A common denominator that all Manga Spawns share and card collectors would never get to see is the robotic insect that he carries with him. Put in a battery and it can zip up and down...
May 1998 Series 9 Repaint: Manga Spawn
The popular repaint of Manga Spawn emerged in May 1998.
Repainted in lovely metallic grey, this is an extremely popular figure. For unofficial variant collectors, they would be pleased to learn that some of these figures were erroneously painted with a grey "M" instead of white.
The sword is now inscribed in Japanese instead of Chinese but alas, language police has noticed that the script is stylised incorrectly! Not only was it stylised incorrectly, a translator friend told me that the script makes no sense as the words use were incorrect.
December 1997 Retail Exclusive Display Case: Manga Spawn
And in between the original in November 1997 and the repaint in May 1998, we have in December 1997 the Manga Spawn in a fish-tank like Display Case.
The colour scheme has shifted to black...
and in a sacrilegious move, the Fujiwara clan decided to remove the sword and armed him with a weird contraption that looks like an excavating tool.
January 2004 Retail Exclusive: Manga Spawn Robots
Fortunately, tradition prevails and his sword makes a comeback in the latest instalment of the Manga Spawn in January 2004 as part of a Retailer Exclusive's Manga Spawn Robots Two-Pack Set.
He gets a blood red paint scheme with gold elements...
and his sword is now drawn with stylised patterns instead of scripts.
In September 2007, two miniatures of Manga Spawn was released under Trading Series 2.
September 2007 Trading Series 2: Manga Spawn
The red Manga Spawn is a very good replica except that his Chinese inscripted sword has been replaced.
September 2007 Trading Series 2: Manga Spawn
An equally good replica is the grey Manga and his Japanese inscripted sword remains intact.
One more titbit: There was a contest where the contestant walks off with a 2-UP figure of Manga Spawn. 'Bonedust' (member of message board) remembered that the 16” manga has been sold a few times. Besides Manga Spawn, a 2-UP Spawn 6 and Ninja Spawn are also given away.
Understandbly, it is difficult to replicate the success and popularity of the original, thus when a sequel to Manga Spawn is announced, the expectations were high and not suprisingly disappointed when the final outcome appeared. I have only the card image of Manga Spawn 2, the rest of the images are by Ryan. You can see more of his photos in collider.
June 2008 Series 34 Original: Manga Spawn
Instead of the 'M' on the body, he is differentiated from Gundam and other robots on his left thigh "S.34 MS.2" or Series 34 Manga Spawn 2, remarkably bearing a close resemblance to sports attire.
The back is pretty weird, like a layout of pipes.
But a very ill boy in House MD Season 6 Episode 4 apparently likes him, weird or not. He is one of the figure in his collection. Thanks to Tyranide fom Russia for alerting me to this appearance.