There are two editions of this figure to date: Alien Spawn 1 and Alien Spawn 2. Each edition has two versions.
There are two official versions. "Like all other Spawns that have existed throughout history, Alien Spawn was chosen to be a Spawn because of his human strengths. The Curse of Spawn stretches across the galaxy. Alien Spawn was the chief warrior from the Planet Keosp and was the first to appear in his galaxy. After saving his planet from ultimate destruction, Alien Spawn's legend has lived on throughout time. Using his fists for battle, he also uses his mine-slinging catapult to ward off attackers." (information found behind the card)
August 1996 Series 6 Original: Alien Spawn
Released as part of Series 6 in August 1996.
The original Alien Spawn is predominantly black with red and grey highlights with the 'M' symbol in white.
As mentioned in the intro above, this fellow's fist is his main weapon.
For those with limited shelving space, note that this is a rather large figure - he stands 9" tall if you include the 2" catapult and his chains, albeit plastic chains can spread up to 12" in width. Forget about articulation - this is one stiff fellow, stiffer than Primo Carnera. The heads and arms can tilt but it is marginal at best.
Those who keep their figures inside the plastic cage would be pleased to know that there are variations like blue diagonal back card and lightning back card...

November 1996 Series 6 Repaint: Alien Spawn
Released in November 1996 as the repaint of Series 6.
It is a rather simple repaint. The black theme has been shifted to white.
The 'M' sign of this abominable snowspawn is gone but those fierce red sores remain on the head. Indeed, he has "...scabs that never heal"! (cf The Powerpuff Girl - Season 3 Episode 33B 'Super Zeroes' aired on October 20th, 2000)
Card collectors would be happy to note that both versions have cards that changed from a lightning effect on the card to a series of white diagonal lines - so there should be four versions for you guys.
Alien Spawn 2 was introduced under the Alternate Realities line of Series 21 in February 2002 and it bears little resemblance to that of the original Alien Spawn introduced in 1996 (in fact it bears little resemblance to Spawn per se). Whereas Alien Spawn 1 is big and strong like a Cy-Gor, Alien Spawn 2 is elongated and malnourished like a Malebolgia/Violator.
There are 2 official versions for both card and display collectors.

February 2002 Series 21 Original: Alien Spawn 2
There are two versions of Alien Spawn 2: 'Yellow' and 'Green' but unlike Pirate Spawn of the same series, it was never mentioned officially that there are two figures. This was supposed to be due to the fact that the 'Green' was the incorrect figure and the corrected figure, ie 'Yellow' was rushed into production. That is what I read. But a check with the Company indicated otherwise, that the 'Yellow' is the original whilst the 'Green' is a recognised official variant.

February 2002 Series 21 Variant: Alien Spawn 2
Since there was no official announcement in the early days of release, collectors assume that the other version not available to them is that of a rare variant. It’s all a matter of distribution of course and once the dust settles, it became clear that both are available in huge quantities and naturally the resale price dropped!
As to the figure itself, aside from the horned helmet of Bloodaxe Spawn, when was the last time a Spawn figure came with horns? There is not even a 'M' to indicate its association with Spawn and with no weapons except sharp teeths and claws; it may as well be an alternate Clown expressing himself as 'Violator Spawn'!
It has pretty good articulation but rather unsteady when displayed; when forced to stand, he tipped...with the aid of a pair of wings at an impressive 10”. But frankly, he looks better hunch and two make a good rap duo.