JD Spawn by Hunter R received his spikes! Clay was the original choice of material and prototypes were made for the spikes but Hunter R thought otherwise after playing with the medium. Instead, an existing vinyl figure was sacrificed...yes, those spikes you saw here are sliced and diced from a collectible figure! Not that I have expected anything less, I have grown accustomed to his perfectionist streak and his desire to duplicate a custom figure as closely to the drawings as possible.
Unbelievable work as usual, thanks for posting it here first, Hunter R, my sincere appreciation and gratitude.
27 April 2010
Lots of lovely Spawn stuff in youtube. Check out this digital sculpt shared by zzzaxis.
26 April 2010
Update - Jim Downing the Spawn
25 April 2010
Update - Hellspawn Barbarian by Jeffrey won the 2009 Comicon Challenge.
24 April 2010
The Philippines is filled to the brim with creative talents and here's another example - "Hellspawn Barbarian" by Jeffrey m. de Guzman. Do check out the work process in gameartisans. Wonderful stuff.
23 April 2010
Well, usually I only do Spawn but this is exceptional. Ken is giving me a sneak preview of this hard copy prototype of Badrock, before it goes into eBay. Hard copy is a rarity so this is going to be rather pricey - thus the exception!
22 April 2010
My good friend from the North, mr greatkornholio himself had two new Dunny Spawns! Lucky fellow! Check his Commando and WOR in his babesinmytoyland blog.
21 April 2010
Haven't update the blog for quite some time as work (work as in job that pay me the moola so that I can enjoy my hobby kind of work) is utterly destroying any semblance of a social life. I have not corrected the disappearance of the 2009 list in Spawn Comics and worst of all, have not displayed the various pics shown to me by friends and contributors. But Hunter R was determined to stop the rot! So, ladies and gentlemen (and my boss since I know she checked this blog), let's take a peek at Hunter R's latest creation - JIM DOWNING THE SPAWN.
A week ago...Hunter R strives to keep his customised figure similar to that of the drawings, thus the big bad boy of a skull in front of the crotch!
And a reinforced spine so that it can hold all the spines that Jim Downing is supposed to possess - looks like this is going to be the mother of all spines!
26 March 2010
Life has been work + sleep. Thank goodness for pals who bother to talk about Spawn. The Guide to Movie Spawn, as with almost all the other figures is a work in progress but Hunter R has provided me with an invaluable update - that the grey-washed exclusive spawn from Cannes Film Festival is not a copy of the Movie Series Spawn. Check out Movie Spawn. The page is a work-in-progress and pretty large, so be patient.
26 March 2010
More updates from Hector.
22 March 2010
Of Series 9 and in particular Manga Spawn...
21 March 2010
Another scope from Batboy 13. A spawn skateboard on Cerebus Number Zero. Would be adding this to the comic blog soon.
20 March 2010
Series 9 Pre-production prototype
19 March 2010
The images of 'Thir13en Ghosts' and Haunt #2 are in the Comics page. Thanks Batboy 13.
17 March 2010
And again from Batboy 13. Thanks for the info on Haunt #2. Would download the page this weekend.
15 March 2010
Many thanks to Batboy 13 from the USA for bringing up a scene in 'Thirteen Ghosts' (March 2001) and he was very precise about it too, really appreciate it. There are Spawn #43 and Mandarin Spawn stands out rather prominently. Had downloaded the movie, would pick that particular image come weekend.
10 March 2010
Congratulations to Hunter R! 1st Prize for Spawn Custom Challenge!
10 March 2010
Well, well, well, guess who won the Spawn custom contest. And I didn't even get the chance to vote! Incidentally, lots of customisation goes into this figure - those armour and guantlets, that evil looking scythe...To see Nyx in her full glory, see "Creator's Portfolio" on the right bar.
6 March 2010
Was reading Spawn #196 and the best part actually come at the Spawning Ground also known as the letter page. In a reply to a South African fan, Todd McFarlane said and I quote "We plan on releasing or re-releasing some of our more popular Spawn figures over the years, and also plan on coming up with some cold cast statues that will be more representative of our more defining visuals over the last 15 plus years of doing Spawn." And here I am going into statue commissioning, thinking Spawn has kicked the bucket.
20 February 2010
Paul has a wide range of customed figures but my favourite is of course his spawn collection! They are truly a work of art. Check out "Spawn Exchange" on bottom right of page for information on contacting Paul if you want to commission a custom.
19 February 2010
Hunter R was surfing and discovered this Exo-Skeleton Spawn prototype. The collector paid a cool 1m yen for this figure.
13 February 2010
Today is Reunion Dinner and tomorrow would be the first day of Spring, lots of makan makan makan...
11 February 2010
9 February 2010
Those guys at Beyond Comics are really beyond cool, look what they provide as a teaser! Check them up for regular updates.
5 February 2010
Hunter R and I maintained an "escape from work" routine of MSN chatting and boy, am I glad to find a spawn fanatic who knows how i feel (sob, wifey, i hope you are reading this). And almost half of the info I provided here are from him including this pin up page of Spawn, Vampirella and Batman. Pencil shadings done by Lan Medina.
4 February 2010
Put this up in the spawncomics blog, discovered Hellspawn sleeping with Chapel in Chapel I #1 whilst researching Image archives.
1 February 2010
What a great way to start February, an update on Nyx - and the flowing locks are already in place.
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